What Is Art?

Whether it is a beautifully plated five-course meal, a Madonna song, or a Leonardo DaVinci painting, art is all around us. Yet, it seems as though the definition of art has become a bit elusive for many people. It is not surprising that some people struggle to define art, as it can be so subjective.

Many think that art is anything that stirs emotions in the viewer. However, it is important to note that the emotions a work of art invokes in each person is dependent on their own experiences, history, and story. This means that three different people can look at the same piece of art and have wildly different reactions to it.

This shows the power that art has to influence and change the world around it. It can be subversive, uplifting, or even downright annoying, but it is still a form of expression that should not be ignored. This is why it is so crucial for teachers to use art in their classrooms and make sure students are exposed to it on a regular basis.

Some might argue that only certain forms of media are considered to be art, such as paintings or theatre. However, this is simply a misguided way to categorize and judge art. In fact, a good movie can be considered art in both a classificatory and an evaluative sense. However, critics rarely — if ever — make it clear which sense they are using when they say something like “this movie is definitely art.”

Art is the way a culture grasps the world, not just the physical world that science attempts to do, but also the world of human experience and society. By allowing people to express themselves and their own unique perspectives, art can help create better understanding and communication between cultures.

In addition, it can inspire change and bring about a more cohesive and accepting world community. For example, it has helped combat intolerance of different cultures and fight racism and other unjust societal segregation.

It is also helpful to teach art history so that students can understand how much more the world has changed over time. For instance, it is interesting to see how the Renaissance was a time of great advancements and changes in artistic style and focus. Seeing how this transformation occurred helps students realize that the world is constantly changing and growing, and that there will always be new opportunities for artists to be innovative and creative in their work.

Moreover, teaching about various cultures and times through art is an excellent way to foster global awareness in students. This is especially important in our increasingly globalized and interconnected world. For example, it is critical that students are familiar with the art of other countries so they can appreciate the diverse cultures around them and learn about their traditions. This will help promote acceptance and tolerance among humans, which is an essential part of human well-being.