The history of music is vast, from the earliest civilizations to modern times. The use of music for religious, practical, and social purposes has been documented throughout history. Today, music is used in many ways, from propaganda and political campaigns to entertainment alone. It has also been used for rituals, ceremonies, and religion. Ethnomusicology has revealed that the purpose of music has often evolved over time and is often based on a person’s personal tastes and cultural agendas.
The Roman empire came to an end in the year 1600, and the Roman Catholic church became the primary authority for the values of music. The Catholic Church is credited with establishing a highly melodic musical tradition, with a heavy emphasis on rhythm. After the Middle Ages, however, a new era began, marked by the Reformation, which brought Protestantism and the Enlightenment to Europe. From here, the history of music began to change dramatically.
The importance of music in education cannot be emphasized enough. Besides enhancing a person’s mind, learning and performing music improves their ability to express themselves. Learning to read and execute music requires not only deciphering and executing unique symbols, but also developing a critical ear. Additionally, learning to play an instrument takes certain skills and training. Once this is mastered, learning music can lead to other career opportunities. There are countless benefits to learning music and performing it.
Philosophers have posited that music has another dimension that cannot be expressed in language. This additional dimension is referred to as the sensual dimension. Kierkegaard argued that music should not be confined to a set of rules that can be imposed on it. The essence of music cannot be adequately defined in words, and it cannot be relegated to a certain genre. A good example of this is art, which is not necessarily a purely aesthetic pursuit.
While Pythagoras was the first philosopher to claim that music governed the harmony of the spheres, modern scientific research suggests that music governs harmony between humans. For example, a mother’s humming to calm a crying baby is music, and probably happened before humans learned to speak. This is evidence that music is a universal language. But the question of how music relates to language has not been settled yet.
In addition to its social and economic function, music can be classified into categories. There are many types of music, including rock, classical, and popular. Popular genres include jazz, soul, and country, and many others. Some are performed in nightclubs, bars, or theaters. There, audience members may drink, dance, and express their individuality. The division between low and high music is still valid, but it is no longer a necessity.
The early thirteenth century saw a revival in musical instruments across Europe. Perhaps this was due to the symbiosis of European cultures in Spain. Regardless of the reason, music has had a profound impact on human culture. It has been linked to social and political issues and has even helped to resolve racial animosities. Its powerful emotional appeal has made it a global phenomenon and contributed to the loosening of social and sexual mores.