The Definition of Art


Art is the expression of human thought and feeling through the use of visual, auditory or tactile elements. A number of forms of art are known, including paintings, sculpture and photography. They can be defined by their physical appearance, content, style, composition and technique. However, their purpose and motivation may differ from artist to artist.

One example of a complex form of art is cinema. Movies are a way of conveying a story through spoken word and visual effects. Cinema is also a newer form of art, and the history of cinema is not as long as other art forms.

The definition of art can be contested throughout history. Throughout Western civilization, it was defined as the creation of a representation of something meaningful. Generally, this was the result of practice or knowledge. In this context, artists developed their skills and learned to reproduce subjects skillfully. It was also a means to transmit ideas across space.

Another common definition of art is the representation of one’s life experience. The meaning of this is dependent on the story and the person’s emotions. Some people might find a painting beautiful while others might find it unattractive. This difference in reactions is caused by the perceived story, which includes events, places and symbols associated with a particular culture.

Another common definition of art is the creation of a visual symbol. Such a symbol can be an abstract image or a literal one. An image can be a representation of a tangible object or a symbolic representation of the idea of a tangible object.

Minimalist art is an art movement that originated in the 20th century. Minimalist art is characterised by minimalism in shape and line. It also uses minimal color and can be described as a form of expression.

The Dada movement, which emerged during World War I in Europe, poked fun at art traditions. Artists such as Marcel Duchamp and Alexander Calder worked to change the existing conception of art. During the Dada era, artists used paper designs to create collages, making use of distortion to alter their forms.

These movements were accompanied by a series of manifestos, public statements of the theories and directions of the movement. These manifestos revealed the artistic motivations of the artists. The manifestations stimulated support for or opposition to the movement.

Another type of two-dimensional art is etching. Etching is a technique in which an image is drawn on a metal plate with a wax-covered stylus. The image is then transferred onto paper with a smooth implement. Often, a bold and dramatic use of color is employed in etching art.

A third definition of art is the representation of emotion. Emotions are a complex subject. Depending on the context, emotions can range from ecstatic to melancholy.

A fourth type of art is called the decorative arts. Decorative arts include glassware and furniture. For instance, a piece of glassware can be decorated to accentuate the beauty of its appearance.