When the English settled New Jersey, they were looking for land between the Delaware River and the Hudson River. The two men stayed loyal to each other throughout the English Civil War and ultimately renamed the area the Province of New Jersey. Their efforts helped create a prosperous state and make it the third most populous in the nation. As a result, New Jersey is known as the Garden State. However, the state has many interesting antebellum roots. Native Americans called the area Lenapehoking 10,000 years ago. During the Middle Ages, Europeans called the region Lorraine. The region was called New Netherland and New Sweden by the Dutch. In 1683, King Charles II’s brother James, Duke of York, granted this region to the colonists.
The state’s geography varies widely, as it consists of many small towns. The northern half of the state is covered in the easternmost Appalachian Mountains, with fertile river valleys. New Jersey’s highest mountain, High Point, is 1,803 feet (560 m) high and located in Sussex County. On the southern end of the state, the Atlantic Plain dominates the landscape, with the Pine Barrens and Jersey Shore covering a portion of the state’s coast.
While many private bus carriers operate in New Jersey, the majority are supported by the state and operate on state-owned buses. A few of the larger private bus carriers are part of Coach USA. Some private bus companies offer rides to casinos and other attractions in Atlantic City. There is also the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, which connects New Jersey with Delaware. And there are plenty of taxicabs and car rental agencies throughout the state. NJ Transit is a wonderful way to travel and explore the many cities and towns in New Jersey.
The New Jersey government is comprised of three distinct branches. The state legislature is made up of 40 legislative districts, each with one senator and two Assembly members. The governor and the majority of the state senate appoint the judges. These executive positions can be re-appointed until the executive reaches 70. Unlike other states, New Jersey has separate courts of law and equity. Hence, the state has a vibrant political scene.
New Jersey’s colonial history dates back to the 16th century. After Henry Hudson’s arrival on Newark Bay, small trading colonies formed. In addition to their trading communities, they also settled in Bergen, which became the first permanent European settlement in New Jersey. This was followed by a period of settling by the Dutch. A large part of the state is still devoted to agriculture, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a place for the Lenape to live.
The most famous New Jersey landmark is the Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell is located in Newark, while Trenton is the state capital. The state has many popular landmarks such as the New York Met, Princeton University, and the Wall Street Journal. In addition to landmarks like the Liberty Bell, New Jersey is home to some of the country’s best-known museums and theme parks. For visitors who enjoy sports and entertainment, there are plenty of recreational activities to keep them entertained for hours.