New Jersey Minimum Wage

New Jersey is one of the 50 states in the United States and its capital city is Trenton. It is a northeastern state on the Atlantic coast, bordered by New York in the north and northeast and Delaware, across the Delaware River, in the south and southwest. Named for the island of Jersey in the English Channel, it became a part of the American colonies in 1776 and was admitted to the Union on December 18, 1787.

The southeastern portion of the state is mostly flat with sandy beaches, while the northern area has rolling hills and forests. The western part of the state has a mountainous region with ridges and valleys, including the Kittatinny Mountains. The state has a wealth of natural resources, including granite and sand for mining, and is an important producer of seafood, particularly clams.

In the 18th century, the state developed as a manufacturing center and was an early leader in the railroad industry. Today, it has world-class universities, leading technology and biological science firms, and one fast turnpike. It is home to native musicians such as Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and Frank Sinatra and has a rich history of political figures, including Grover Cleveland (the only president born in the state), astronaut Buzz Aldrin, author Judy Blume and inventor Thomas Edison.

Generally, the minimum wage in New Jersey is equal to the federal minimum wage, which is currently $7.25 an hour. However, the New Jersey minimum wage is not automatically adjusted for increases in the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-W) as the federal minimum wage is. In addition, it is not legal to pay workers less than the current state minimum wage rate unless it is specifically set forth in an employment contract. In order to amend the minimum wage, a bill must be passed by both houses of the New Jersey Legislature and signed by the governor. A ballot question can also be used to increase or decrease the minimum wage in New Jersey. This method is often used in conjunction with a constitutional amendment. In most cases, the ballot question must be approved by a majority of voters in order for it to take effect. In some cases, a constitutional amendment can be passed by the people without the need for legislative approval. This is known as a “people’s initiative”. This method of raising the minimum wage in New Jersey has been used many times, and is commonly seen in other states. Despite the difficulties associated with this method, it is sometimes the best option for increasing the minimum wage in New Jersey. This is particularly true if a large percentage of the voters support the measure. Several towns in New Jersey have recently implemented this type of legislation. These include Newark, New Brunswick and Jersey City. Other cities that have enacted this type of law include Morristown, Plainfield and Trenton. The laws are designed to provide a minimum wage that will help those who work but cannot make enough money to support themselves and their families.