New Jersey is Rich in History and Culture
If you love the beach and want to visit a state that is rich in history and culture, New Jersey is a great place to go. The state boasts 130 miles of Atlantic coast, which is a great way to get away from it all! The Atlantic coast is home to many notable beaches, including the famous Asbury Park, which has Victorian architecture. The city of Jersey City is a popular tourist destination and is a must-see.
The state has a varied topography that differs from region to region. In the northwest, the Appalachian Mountains cut through the Ridge and Valley region. The Highlands are an extension of the ancient rocks of New England and run across the entire state from northeast to southwest. The central Piedmont is home to most major cities and suburbs. The southernmost region, the Atlantic Coastal Plain, is a vast expanse of flat land that stretches south to the New York border.
The first people to settle the land were about 12,000 years ago. These tribes lived in small communities, and the name of the state came from their names. The Lenni-Lenape tribe was the dominant group. These settlers called the area “Scheyichbi,” which might have meant “land of the shell money.” The Native American population was diverse compared to other colonies. In 1524, the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano explored the land, and the next year, the Dutch and Swedish colonists built settlements. The English took over in 1664, and the state became one of the thirteen British colonies.
As of 1738, New Jersey is home to over 300 square miles of lakes. The Hudson River passes through the state, and up to one million people commute each day into the city of Manhattan. The state has many rivers that flow through it, and it has three major oceans and seaports. In addition, the state has numerous wetlands, including Lake Hopatcong. It is also home to several famous historical figures. With these lakes, the state’s history is rich in history and diversity.
The state has a very diverse population. In 2010, 68.6% of its residents were non-Hispanic white. In contrast, only 3% of its population was non-Hispanic. In the same year, there were no black residents in the state. Moreover, the majority of people who live in New Jersey are still white, but are also Hispanic and ethnically diverse. There are also some afro-Latino families.
One-third of the state’s counties are “swing.” Some counties tend to go in one direction more often than others, and some have a strong Republican majority. In Salem County, the Hispanic south is heavily Democratic, while the rural north is more Republican. Some counties, such as the one in Somerset County, are more likely to go the other way, but are still considered swings. If you’re looking to vote in a presidential election, you’ll need to be politically active.