Painting is a form of artistic expression that has been used in all cultures around the world since time immemorial. It is an art that requires a combination of three abilities, technique, observation and design to produce a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing result. It is the ability to use these skills that sets the successful painter apart from those who do not.
The first step in a good painting is choosing the right subject. This should be something that appeals to the artist, is challenging and interesting. It should also inspire the painter to work hard and develop her skill. Once the subject is chosen it is important to select the right supplies and materials for the job. This may seem like a simple task, but many people get caught up in the overwhelming selection of paints and brushes. Once the necessary supplies are gathered, it is best to do some test runs with different color samples on a small portion of the wall to ensure that the colors are working in harmony and that they are not too dark or too light.
Once the desired color is selected, it is a good idea to lightly sketch a sketch of the painting on the canvas before starting. This can be done with a soft graphite pencil and will allow the artist to see how the different shapes and values of the painting will work together. The sketch can also help the painter keep his or her brush in the proper direction, so that all of the lines are straight and even.
Depending on the type of painting, there are several different types of painting mediums that can be used. The most popular are oils, acrylics and watercolors. These are made up of natural and synthetic pigments suspended in a binder.
Before the actual painting begins it is a good idea to prime the surface. This is done to prevent the paint from being absorbed into the porous support material, which can weaken and damage it over time. The priming process can be a quick and easy one, or it may be more involved.
When the painting is being created, it is often a good idea to start with the larger shapes and then gradually work inward toward the smaller ones. This allows the artist to build up the painting in layers. Alternatively, some artists choose to paint alla prima (all at once) in order to create the painting in a single session.
Once the painting is finished, it is a good idea to let it dry completely before hanging. Depending on the materials and the finish, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. When the painting is fully dry, it can be retouched and protected with varnish or a coat of clear lacquer. This will protect the painting and keep it looking beautiful for a long time.